After Buying A Puppy
Congratulations! You're going to receive a puppy! Excitement, pleasure, happiness, anxiety, tension, and work all come with your new dog.
For both your puppy and you, getting your puppy off to a good start is the most essential and enjoyable thing you can do. Doing things correctly from the start of your relationship will pay dividends in the long term.
It's now time to get ready to take your puppy home. There are a few things you should think about ahead of time.
Reading the page titled "About the Nitty Gritty" is the first option I highly recommend.
Veterinary Visit
Make an appointment with your veterinarian before the puppy comes home with you. You should schedule a veterinarian visit for the day you get your puppy, or as soon as possible thereafter. If you don't have a veterinarian in mind, inquire about who your neighbors use and why. Other dog owners' recommendations might be a useful source of information. You will be making a follow-up visit for your puppy's further vaccines at this appointment. Ask your veterinarian about the non-core vaccines and if they are recommended based on your pup’s lifestyle/area.
Puppy Proofing
Puppies are the same age as toddlers. They find and get into anything and everything when they are not monitored. An Australian Cattle Dog is quick and can steal and devour something at the speed of light. You must puppy-proof your home, garage, property/yard, and car before bringing him home. Here's how to do it.
Remove everything from your home that might harm a dog. Electrical, telephone, and computer lines, household cleaners, pesticides, chemicals, household plants, children's toys and balls, floor draperies, hanging table cloths... The list goes on and on. Garbage in the kitchen should always be covered. Get into the habit of lowering the toilet seats. Many of us fill them with chemicals, and they also carry microorganisms.
Any dog, puppy or adult, should not be let in a garage. If you do let your dog inside the garage, make sure you keep an eye on him. Antifreeze is one of the most dangerous substances for dogs, as well as one of the most pleasant smelling.
Australian Cattle Dogs require a fenced yard, preferably one that is enclosed on all sides and has no escape routes. To keep your puppy on your property, the fencing should be at least 4-feet tall from the ground level up.
If you intend on employing an invisible fence, keep in mind that although it may keep your dog in, it does not keep anything out! Invisible fences may put your puppy at risk of being harmed or stolen because animals, neighboring children, and people may readily enter and exit your property. Another danger is if a puppy's instinct prompts it to "break" the invisible barrier and cross it. The pup will most likely be unable to return due to the electric charge. This is a common way for dogs to become separated from their owners! With an invisible fence, you should never leave your puppy alone outside. At all times, they should be supervised.
Many dog owners travel with their dogs in crates for their protection since dogs might be injured in a car when an accident happens. If you don't have room in your vehicle for a crate, consider a doggy seat belt. Make sure your dog is acclimated to going on car journeys while in his crate. Your dog will be a fantastic passenger and enjoy numerous vehicle journeys securely if you start this practice early. This also protects the puppy from itself. They will chew and eat wires under seats, or get into things that are unsafe. A crate is a safe den for the dog.
Puppy Kindergarten and School
It's now up to you and your dog to pick a dog training school. It is critical to start socializing and teaching your ACD puppy as soon as possible.
Find a Dog Kindergarten class that you and your puppy can attend together to get your puppy off to a good start. Veterinary offices can refer you to a number of dog training schools. Another excellent resource is the American Kennel Club, which may help you locate a local dog club. Many of these clubs provide a wide range of group fitness sessions. Training in groups allows your dog to meet other people and dogs while also learning to listen in a noisy environment.
If you're searching for a Puppy Kindergarten program, make sure the one you choose teaches with positive reinforcement and hurdles to help build confidence. Find out if the Obedience Trainer is familiar with the breed, just like you did with your veterinarian.
First Training Steps
ACDs are highly intelligent, and while some are people pleasers, others can have a stubborn streak. Make learning exciting for your new dog so he will want to please you. If you just use pop, jerk, and negative approaches, your puppy may conclude, "This isn't enjoyable, and there's nothing in it for me." ACDs require a lot of positive reinforcement and can be sensitive to severe criticism. This isn't to say that your puppy won't need to be reprimanded as he learns. However, there is a narrow line between "criticism" and "praise for a job well done."
When employing positive reward methods such as food, toys, and praise, training basic obedience instructions to ACD pups may be a lots of fun. Praise your pet when he accomplishes something right! This way, he'll know exactly what you're asking of him. Your dog will turn to you for direction. This is the moment to work together and form a relationship with your puppy. You and your puppy will be together for the rest of your lives. Every group needs a leader. To win your dog's respect, you must position yourself as that leader. If given the chance, your puppy will readily take on this role and may even put you to the test. As a result, early training will aid in the development of your leadership skills.
You'll need to be consistent with your training and command usage. Use a single command phrase to teach the desired action. It's critical that everyone in the family uses the same command phrases. Having many orders for one particular activity might be highly confusing to a young puppy. The exhortation to "sit down" is a typical blunder. SIT is a single command that instructs the dog to sit on the floor. Another order is DOWN, which instructs the dog to lie down on his back and front on the floor. When you instruct a puppy to "SIT DOWN," you are actually giving him two orders. Is it better for him to sit or lie down?
Pet Supplies
You're almost finished! Almost as delightful as receiving a puppy is the anticipation of obtaining a dog. After you've completed the aforementioned preparatory duties, it's time to gather all of the necessary (and some fun) items that you'll need for your puppy's arrival, including his crate.
A crate is a fantastic and compassionate training tool. You can use a crate large enough for an adult dog that can be divided into sections for the puppy, or get a small crate and replace when your puppy outgrows it. If introduced properly, ACD pups and adults will utilize their kennel as a cave. It's all about the preparation. Never use a crate as a form of punishment or retaliation for any unpleasant conduct. Your puppy's crate should only have pleasant connections with it. Your dog will regard the crate to be his den if it is correctly used.
Prepare his kennel by lining it with a t-shirt you've worn and a tiny blanket you've slept on before exposing him to it. For the first several days, do this. The puppy will be able to detect your fragrance and will want to snuggle up next to you.
Toys like nylabones, sterilized bones, and a soft puppy toy should be placed in his kennel.
At least once a day, feed your puppy in his kennel. This also aids in making the crate his den and instilling a favorable attitude about the crate in the puppy, as well as keeping the puppy secure from other animals or small children in the house.
Puppies despise soiling their den. To assist with housetraining, take your puppy outdoors to a dedicated place you've set up exclusively for him to go pee as soon as you release him from his crate.
Puppy Play Pens
This set up is a GAME CHANGER!!! To prevent your puppy from having too much freedom in your home when you first bring him home, put him in a exercise pen with a crate, potty box, and water source. Giving him unrestricted access to your home will make it difficult for you to keep an eye on him. He will, of course, investigate and get into things you don't want him to. If left to too large of an area, you will struggle with potty training. You want to be able to keep an eye on him in order to keep him safe, which you do by restricting his available space.
Baby Gates and Puppy Play Pens are two items you may use to limit his access in your house and protect him and your stuff secure. Baby gates are excellent for separating rooms. Simply place them in entrances to keep them secure. They are lightweight and aid in the establishment of defined boundaries.
Puppy Play Pens are made particularly for dogs and are available in both plastic and metal. They're also known as x-pens, and they're as simple to put up and operate as baby gates, allowing you to carry them with you on trips. Puppy Play Pens are particularly useful when you want to create a custom-sized enclosure for your dog in which you can put toys and keep him secure.
Puppy Food
Before you go to the pet store, ask your puppy's breeder what food he or she was grown on. To minimize gastric problems, it's advisable to keep your puppy on this food initially. As a result, have it there for when your puppy arrives. It will have a familiar flavor and will not upset his stomach. If you want to transfer his diet to another puppy formula, do it gradually over the course of a week, starting with a tiny amount of the new food and gradually increasing to half of one formula and half of the other.
Food and Water Bowls
Plastic is not a good choice for your new puppy's food or water dishes.
Rather, stainless steel food dishes are highly recommended. They're light yet robust, hygienic and easy to clean, and they're available in a range of sizes and colors. Some bowls have rubber bottoms to protect your puppy from moving around as he eats. Non-tip variants are also available.
Ceramic is the material of choice for keeping your puppy's water fresh and cold. Ceramic bowls, also known as stoneware crocks, exist in a range of sizes and styles, with many of them being beautiful.
The ideal collar to buy is one that is adjustable and sized for pups. As your puppy grows, you'll be able to alter the collar size for months, and these collars can be left on your dog with tags attached.
A six-foot leather leash, or lead, is recommended for teaching your dog at home as well as at Puppy Kindergarten. A martingale collar for training sessions and leash walking. A houseline or dragline, 10-12' leash with the handle cut off to leave on the puppy at home.
Chew Toys
Because your new dog will be teething, make sure to have appropriate chew toys on hand. Benebones®, KONG®, and sterilized natural bones that can be packed with peanut butter or cheese are three things that are advised for teething. Follow the manufacturer's directions as you would with any dog toy, and constantly watch your puppy while he has access to toys and goodies.
Because your dog is still not housebroken, he should sleep in his crate at night. He's also teething, so whatever cage bedding you supply should be tough for him to break apart and chew on. Teething puppies can chew and digest their bedding. If you offer him a bed or a bedcover, make sure it's washable.